Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Poet Research Report

Tuesday 15 May 2018 for Periods 2, 5 & 6 and Wednesday 16 May for Periods 1 & 7

Mr. Stone distributed a sheet on the six stages of the research process and discussed defining a research question.

Students will be researching the primary question:  Who is the poet __________________?

They will need to answer the following secondary questions:

What is the story of the poet's life?

What are this poet's major works?

What is this poet's reputation?

What poem best represents this poet?

What do you think of this poet? (my opinion)

In class, students filled in the first two rows of a graphic organizer ("the bubble sheet") with the primary and secondary questions.

To answer the first primary question (What is the story of this poet's life?), should answer many of the following tertiary level questions:

When and where was the poet born?

Which family members (if any) were influential on the poet?

Where did the poet go to school?

What did the poet do for work?

What were the poet's passions/hobbies/interests?

What significant challenges impacted the poet's life?

Where did the poet live?

Did the poet experience significant loss?

Did the poet have notable romances?

Does the poet identify him/herself with a particular cultural group?

When and where was the poet's death, or is he/she still living?

Homework:  Complete at least five note cards answering different tertiary level questions about the poet's life.

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