Thursday, February 12, 2015

Note Taking Schedule

During the last class of Valentine's week (2/12 or 2/13), Mr. Stone explained to students how to write a note card and how the key word of their note cards will relate to the key words of the primary and secondary questions on their prewriting bubble sheet.

Note Card Deadlines for Period 2

Thu 2/19 Five cards should be completed.

Fri 2/20 Fifteen cards should be completed.

Mon 2/23 Twenty-five cards should be completed.

Tue 2/24 Thirty-five cards should be completed.

Thu 2/26 Forty note cards should be completed.

Note Card Deadlines for Periods 5 & 6

Wed 2/18 Five cards should be completed.

Thu 2/19 Fifteen cards should be completed.

Mon 2/23 Twenty-five cards should be completed.

Tue 2/24 Thirty-five cards should be completed.

Wed 2/25 Forty note cards should be completed.

Note Card Deadlines for Period 7

Thu 2/19 Five cards should be completed.

Fri 2/20 Fifteen cards should be completed.

Tue 2/24 Twenty-five cards should be completed.

Wed 2/25 Thirty-five cards should be completed.

Thu 2/26 Forty note cards should be completed.

Finding Sources

Students had more than a week to gather together the minimum of ten sources they need for their research report. Each period spent two days in the library: one for general orientation and another to locate a minimum of one book source. Other periods were spent in the classroom using classroom laptop computers to search for online sources.

Students in Periods 2, 5, & 6 need to be done with their ten bibliography cards by Tuesday, February 17th.

Students in Period 7 need to be done with their ten bibliography cards by Wednesday, February 18th.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Defining Your Topic

Mr. Stone distributed three handouts: Types of Definitions, Definition Graphic Organizer, and Defining.

The class discussed how definitions skills related to defining your research topic.

Mr. Stone showed students the links for researching Palestine topics listed on the right side of this website.

Homework: Bring to Internet sources related to your topic to the next class.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Differentiating Popular Periodicals from Scholarly Journals, Primary & Secondary Research Questions, & How to Create a Computer Search Strategy

Periods 2, 5 & 6 on Tuesday February 3, 2015 and Period 7 on Wednesday, February 4th.

Mr. Stone distributed three handouts: "Differences between Popular Periodical and Scholarly Journals," Developing a Computer Search Strategy," and "Using Boolean Operators in a Computer Search Strategy."

Students were encouraged to take notes. A test will eventually be given over research. Students should be able to answer the following questions:

What are the the most significant differences between a popular periodical and a scholarly journal?

What are the two primary terms in a Boolean search?

How does a Boolean search work?

What are the advantages of using an advanced Internet search program?

How do I form a research question?

Homework: Create a list of questions about your research topic. (Do not use your research graphic organizer yet. Use a separate sheet of paper.) Identify your primary questions and the five secondary questions you think you will use to best answer your primary question.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Selecting a Topic and Information Forms and Locations

Devotional/Journal Entry: How do you know God?

Mr. Stone checked students list of topics and assisted them in signing up for a topic for their research report on a first-century Palestine topic.

Mr. Stone distributed and discussed three handouts: Information Locations, Information Packages, and Research Graphic Organizer.

Homework: Students should spend twenty minutes doing general research and reading about the topic they selected today in preparation for forming their primary and secondary research questions.