Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Forty-Ninth Class Period: In-text Citations and Works Cited Page

Mr. Stone reviewed the use of in-text parenthetical citations (Hacker 120-127)and works cited entries (Hacker127-147).
He emphasized the importance of making as clear as possible to the reader where the student writer begins and finishes using material from someone else.

Research handbook writer Diana Hacker uses the term "signal phrase" to describe the group of words that signal to a reader where the writer begins using material borrowed from another source, whether it is a "quotation, paraphrase, summary, or fact"(120). At minimum, the research paper writer should include the author's name or the title of the source when the author's name is not available. research writer might also present information about the context of the borrowed source: its title, the type of source, the nature of the surrounding content material in its original source.

The The first time a source is used in the student's research paper, they should provide information about what makes this source authoritative: the writer's profession, the name and type of source from which the material comes, etc. The information provided to the reader about the source should make he/she have more confidence in the validity of the facts, explanations, or opinions provided the source.

Whenever possible, the research paper writer will indicate the end of his/her use of another's material by placing a parenthetical citation at the end of the borrowing. The parenthetical citation will only contain the page number(s) if the author's name was was listed at the beginning of the borrowing. If the source is a web source, then no page number should be provided. No parenthetical citation is necessary for web sources if the author's last name was included in the signal phrase marking the beginning of the borrowing.

Mr. Stone reminded students that they should have minimally used two different sources in each of the paper's body paragraphs.

Mr. Stone limits the use of direct quotations to no more than one per page. At least one direct quotation should be present in the paper.

Homework: Bring your research paper as one document with a works cited page (already printed) to class. Also, bring your sources.

Remember that a minimum of five sources must be cited in the paper. Additional sources will count as extra credit.

The final draft of the research paper will be due on Monday, April 30th for periods 1, 2, 5, and 6. Period 7's papers will be due on Tuesday, May 1st.

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