Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Differentiating Popular Periodicals from Scholarly Journals, Primary & Secondary Research Questions, & How to Create a Computer Search Strategy

Periods 2, 5 & 6 on Tuesday February 3, 2015 and Period 7 on Wednesday, February 4th.

Mr. Stone distributed three handouts: "Differences between Popular Periodical and Scholarly Journals," Developing a Computer Search Strategy," and "Using Boolean Operators in a Computer Search Strategy."

Students were encouraged to take notes. A test will eventually be given over research. Students should be able to answer the following questions:

What are the the most significant differences between a popular periodical and a scholarly journal?

What are the two primary terms in a Boolean search?

How does a Boolean search work?

What are the advantages of using an advanced Internet search program?

How do I form a research question?

Homework: Create a list of questions about your research topic. (Do not use your research graphic organizer yet. Use a separate sheet of paper.) Identify your primary questions and the five secondary questions you think you will use to best answer your primary question.

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