Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Devotional Writing and Prewriting for 2nd Qtr Book Report

Quiz: pp. 711-718

Loma Linda Academy will be publishing a devotional book written by students this spring. Mr. Stone listed several suggested approaches:


"The Hand of God"--Tell the story of a time you believe God worked in your life. Describe his intervention.

Mr. Stone noted examples of this story in contemporary Seventh-day Adventist publications, such as the Adventist Review, Insight, Guide Magazine, and Primary Treasure. He also noted Guideposts as a popular American publisher which feature such stories in such magazines as Guideposts, Mysterious Ways, and Angels on Earth. These devotional stories are historically rooted in the providence tales popular in Europe and America in the seventeenth century.

"Favorite Verse"--Tell the story of how and why a specific verse of the Bible became meaningful to you.

"Words of Wisdom"--Expound on the meaning and application of a proverb from the Bible.

Students need to write a rough draft of devotional in their journal. This devotional should be at least one-and-a-half pages long, single spaced.

Prewriting for 2nd Quarter Book Report

Students need to write two separate entries in their journal. The first entry should summarize in a paragraph of ten sentences the first half of the biography/autobiography they read. The second entry should summarize in another paragraph of ten sentences the second half of the biography/autobiography they read.

Students need to complete five lines of each of the four required prewriting tables. They need to fill out the topic (the the name of the person who is the subject of the book), the subtopic (the area of the book they are critiquing), and the three concrete detail cells (Describe the example passage from the book and list the page number on which is found).

Mr. Stone suggested the following possibilities for subtopics:

memorable stories/anecdotes
significant events in the subject's life
character traits
lessons learned
the historical context of the major events in the person's life
the primary geographical locations described in the book
the author's point of view on the person
the writer's style

Homework: Work on any of the work above so that you will be finished with these assignments by the end of the next class.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Act V: A Tragic Conclusion

Tuesday 17 December 2013 for Periods 2, 5, & 6 and Wednesday 18 2013 for Periods 1 & 7

Students finished reading aloud the concluding act of Romeo and Juliet, Act V.

Mr. Stone defined tragedy and motive.

Students took an open-book quiz over Joan Didion's "Georgia O'Keefe."

Homework: Read pp. 711-718.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Romeo & Juliet Act IV and Joan Didion's "Georgia O'Keefe"

In class, students finished the end of Act III and read all of Act IV of Romeo and Juliet.

The following literary terms were discussed: soliloquy, aside, monologue, dramatic irony, and suspense.

Most periods were able to read most or all of the homework before they left.

Homework: Read Joan Didion's biographical essay "Georgia O'Keefe" (685-690).


Students read the majority of Act III during their last period (12 December 2013 for periods 5 & 6 and 13 December 2013 for periods 1, 2, & 7).

Homework: Submit first quarter book report to if not done earlier.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Turnitin and Finishing Act II

Wednesday 11 December 2013 for Period 5 & 6 and Thursday 12 December 2013 for Periods 1, 2 & 7

Students submitted the final hard copy of their first quarter book reports at the beginning of class.

Mr. Stone discussed with the class and provided the class ID and password.

Note: Each period has a separate ID and password. Do not use the codes for another period.

Students finished reading aloud Act II of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Homework: Create a account and submit the final draft of your first quarter book report for analysis.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peer Editing and Creating Final Draft of First Quarter Book Report

Tuesday 10 December 2013 for Periods 2, 5 & 6 and Wednesday 11 December 2013 for Periods 1 & 7

Mr. Stone has waited to have students edit their film essays and first quarter book reports until they had completed the unit on commas and sentence combining.

After an open-book quiz over Lorraine Hansberry's "On Summer," students received back the revised draft of their first quarter book reports and were given a peer editing sheet. They swapped papers with a student of their choice and edited each other's papers.

Homework: Create a final draft of the first quarter book report. Bring the revised draft with the peer editor's marks, the completed peer editing sheet, and the final draft to class.

The class will finish Act II of Romeo and Juliet during the next class period.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Act II of Romeo and Juliet

Monday 9 December 2013 and Tuesday 10 December 2013

Students read aloud Act II of Romeo and Juliet through scene iv.

Homework: Read Lorraine Hansberry's "On Summer" (656+). There will be a quiz at the beginning of the next class.

Finishing Act One of Romeo and Juliet

Thursday 5 December 2013 for Periods 5 & 6 Friday 6 December 2013 for Periods 1, 2 & 7

Quiz: Isaac Bashevis Singer's "The Washwoman"

Students finished reading aloud Act One of Romeo and Juliet.

No homework due to the banquet. If a student has time, they may review Act One of Romeo and Juliet or finish reading his/her second quarter book report book.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beginning Act One of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and Sally Ride's "Single Room, Earth View"

Wednesday 4 December 2013 for Periods 5 & 6 and Thursday 5 December 2013 for Periods 1, 2, & 7

Quiz: Sally Ride's "Single Room, Earth View"

Mr. Stone described the sonnet (fourteen line, rhymed, iambic pentameter lines) and blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter lines) forms (unrhymed used in Act One of Romeo and Juliet. He also introduced oral reading strategies for reading blank verse (avoiding sing-song, pausing for punctuation, and reading through the end of unpunctuated line endings).

Utilizing the cast assignments from the last class period, students read scenes i and ii of Act One and part of scene iii.

Students are receiving behavior and participation points for during the periods when the class is reading the play. Students receive ten points for maintaining appropriate audience and cast member behaviors:

--remaining silent while other actors read their lines

--following the script to read assigned lines at appropriate times

--reading lines at an appropriate pace, volume, and clarity

Homework: Read Isaac Bashevis Singer's "The Washwoman" (650-655). A quiz will be given at the beginning of the next class period.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Theatercraft Mini-Test & Romeo & Juliet Casting

Tuesday 3 December 2013 for Periods 2, 5, & 6 and Wednesday 4 December for Periods 1 & 7

Students took theatercraft mini-test. (This test is worth forty-three points as opposed to the typical tests one hundred points.)

After the test, students began reading the homework, the first nonfiction selection in the nonfiction unit.

During the last part of the class period, Mr. Stone had all of the male students "audition" by reading a selected number of Romeo's lines and the females "audition" by reading a selected number of Juliet's lines.

During the next class period students will begin reading William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet in class.

Homework: Read pp. 631-640, introductory material on nonfiction and Sally Ride's "Single Room, Earth View."

There will be a quiz over "Single Room, Earth View" at the beginning of the next class period.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Introduction to Dramatic Theater

Students viewed a short documentary of the history of theatercraft and completed a study guide using a written summary/transcript of the documentary.

Homework: Review study guide for a multiple-choice test over theatercraft.